
Barry’s weekly hightlights

Barry’s weekly hightlights

What day of the week is it today? Depending on the day, you can expect a different Barry’s weekly highlight…

  • Monday: Enjoy our delicious Monday roast and get the week off to a traditional start
  • Tuesday: It’s Big Bottle Tuesday! Discover our monster magnum offers and celebrate the pleasure of wine
  • Sunday: Sunday is Napf Night (Barrys Napf = mongolian barbecue) – at our crisp and colourful buffet you can feast on 24 delicacies à discrétion. Available daily. Sundays at the special price of CHF 35 instead of CHF 45!


We’re here for you 364 days a week from 7 am to 11.30 pm and until 1 am on Thursday / Friday / Saturday. The threehundred and sixtyfifth day is the day which solely belongs to our employees.

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